Transforming Atmosphere through Store Renewal
"Pyeongtaek Bijeon-dong, where our store is located, is a new area with a shopping mall and many restaurants. There is an apartment complex nearby, so many customers seek the location. We especially have millennials in their 20s and 30s visit our store.Before we renewed the store, we analyzed customers who visited our store and found that our customers were older than the average customer in the area and that the time they spent in the store was short as they left shortly after buying what they came for. We realized that it was completely different from today's trend of younger customers and an emphasis on diverse customer experience."
"I realized as I saw how much the store changed in only a short period that 'we cannot change customers; it is us who must change'. The store that was once sluggish due to economic recession became lively and as a result, sales is gradually growing."
Smart Beauty Platform for Smart Customers
"There were already many new products we had to be aware of every month when we only carried Amorepacific brands. I was worried how we would manage so many brands. But my concerns that two families would not be enough to serve customers and how we would deliver product information to customers, I found, were all just fears when we changed to LIVE."
"Customers already know Amorepacific's product quality.Customers repeatedly seeking and choosing other brands and other products is a process of finding the best product. It is only necessary that they experience various options before deciding a purchase. I realized that this means that our brands can stand out and co-prosper with other brands, not that we are losing our brand customers to others."
"Many people compare ARITAUM LIVE to a health & beauty (H&B) store. But our store structure is different in quality as we are a store specializing in cosmetics. It is much more specialized and exclusive. We want to grow together with Amorepacific as it expands its reach into the global market. We will continue to take a step forward with the belief that we cannot win by having the same mind with others."
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